Owner: David Thorne

Serving: Frederick, Hagerstown, Mount Airy, Damascus, Clarksburg, MD

We're located at:

7817B Baltimore National Pike #1, Frederick MD 21702

Residential Customer Testimonials

   - Robert K.
“Excellent job by professional men.”
   - Karen M.
“I had told them immediately when they finished how impressed I was with their work. The cleaners were amazing and very personable. My foyer window and light look streaks. 5 stars. I have already recommended you to others. Total pros from estimate to finished product. Thank you.”
   - Shar M.
“We are pleased with the professional service we received, and our windows let us see the beautiful outdoors clearer now. The team working here was great very communicative, friendly, and professional. I'm thinking I should schedule it at least one to two times per year.”
   - D.N.
“We are pleased and would hire the company again!”
   - Theresa F.
“I would highly recommend this company. I am a real estate agent and refer them all the time because I know that they will do an excellent job for my clients.”
   - Chris R.
“They did a fabulous job today! So polite, respectful, and efficient. And my greenhouse looks so happy again! And so am I. Thanks so much!”
   - Julie G.
“The guys did an overall great job.”
   - Brian G.
“We were so impressed with the quality of the work and the communications process in scheduling and shifting due to rain, that we signed up for an annual window cleaning. GREAT JOB!”
   - Laura V.
“Thank you so much for a job well done!!”
   - C. B.
“Ian and Chris were awesome and it was obvious they took pride in doing a perfect job!”
   - Jamie P.
“Our cleaners were both very friendly, efficient and respectful of our home. I know that I will call Fish Window Cleaning whenever I need to have my windows done. Thanks for a wonderful job. My windows look great!”
   - Pam D.
“We had 2 of the nicest and most professional young men I've ever met taking care of our windows. They were so polite and responsible. It was wonderful to see young men like that working so responsibly.”
   - Marilyn M.
“This is a very well run organization, a very professional team. I would highly recommend this company.”
   - Peggy K.
“Our windows are spotlessly clean. No damage to anything inside or out of the house. We are very satisfied with the job.”
   - Leland R.
“Great job! Windows look great. The cleanest I have ever seen them. Thanks.”
   - Bonnie H.
“Well done as always! See you in the Spring!”
   - Julie G.
“Very good job, very professional.”
   - Vicky M.
“Our windows looked great after the service. The two guys who came out were courteous and very professional. Great job.”
   - John L.
“Just wanted you to know that my windows are looking great. The guys were great, nice, friendly, professional.”
   - Fran
“We had our windows cleaned today by Fish Window Cleaning and they're gorgeous! The guys did a wonderful job plus they were very professional and friendly. We're very happy!”
   - Staci, Frederick, MD
“Dear Dave, Ann, and All, I cannot express to you how appreciative I am of the service you provided to me and the quality of your work. When I called your company to obtain an estimate for washing our windows, I was in a bit of a panic mode. Having been "stood up" by a different window cleaning company that same week, I was concerned that my upcoming overnight guests would have to admire our beautiful view through dirty windows. Dave, you are amazing! You arrived on the same day of my call, provided an estimate, and somehow you worked your schedule to clean all of our many windows the very next day and in time for the arrival of our guests. I was also pleasantly surprised when your crew arrived that you were among the workers. It amazed me that you as the owner would join the crew to provide the customer with personal service. In addition I wish to commend Ann, your assistant, for being courteous and pleasant. Prior to the crew's arrival, she contacted me just to let me know the crew was on their way to my home. What a great company you are! Thank you for such incredible service.”
   - Carolyn K. - Frederick, MD
“Dear Jenny, This is a follow up to the window cleaning done today. Jamie did a great job and was done within the timeframe you gave me. It is great to have the windows finished in time for my weekend guests! I was very impressed by your immediate response to me when I called. You came out to the house for the estimate within a few hours. I am most appreciative you were able to provide the service within two days of when I called. You were very professional and customer service oriented and Jamie was very professional and polite as well. Thank you!”
   - Judy G., New Market, MD
“Jennifer, your crew did an amazing job. I'm so thankful you could accommodate me into your schedule. I'll call you for fall I want to meet you. You sound sweet. My windows sparkled, however, since I have a glass front door, it did have a lot of fingerprints from the house tour visitors. I'll use your Fish Foam for a touch up. Thank you.”
   - Barbara B., Hagerstown, MD
“All I can say is "WOW!". I had my windows cleaned on the first floor of my house a few years ago by this wonderful company called FISH. I was having a wedding shower at my house and didn't have time to clean my windows. I was so pleased by the job they did, I asked them to come back to do my entire house just before putting it up for sale. Their customer service is inspiring and refreshing for not only is it top-notch, you can also sense their authenticity. Jenny, the owner, graciously accommodated my schedule. Her approachable, caring style is matched by her prompt follow through to get the job done. She makes you feel like you are her most important client. The team was friendly, polite, considerate, professional and did a fantastic job!! My windows sparkle and I have old windows! And best of all they were very reasonably priced. They also offer other services that I will definitely use in the future. I highly recommend this company!!”
   - Cindy F., Damascus, MD
“Jenny, the guys did a great job and I think my sibs will be real pleased! I am meeting one of my sisters today at the house at 11am and can't wait for her to see it. Have a great weekend and hope to use you myself in the future and find you more referrals. Thanks again Jenny!”
   - Jen, Frederick, MD
“I wanted to write to thank you for doing our windows. We are so pleased with how they turned out and were impressed by the workers who came to do them. Thank you.”
   - Amy E., Mount Airy, MD
“Hi, Jenny - I just wanted to say what a nice job your crew did on our place. I can't believe how clean and clear the windows looked after they were finished. I'm thinking those were the best $$'s I've spent in a long time. Thank you very much and just wanted to let you know how pleased we were with the work. We'll definitely do this every spring! Thanks again.”
   - Martha K., Mount Airy, MD
“We are very pleased with the job done at my place. Also the two guys who were here were most courteous. Thanks. Now I am wondering if you do windows at homes in Baltimore. I'd like to treat my daughter to window cleaning by your company. Thanks!”
   - Mary Lynn L., Walkersville, MD
“Thanks again for the great window-cleaning job in February. I have a picture of one of your men on the job. Thanks again.”
   - Mike C., Frederick, MD
“Jenny, it doesn't surprise me that [the windows] required scraping as it had been a long time since they had been cleaned and the house has been painted at least once or twice in that time. I meant to email you and tell you to pass on my thanks and compliments for the wonderful job Mike did. The difference was dramatic and I appreciate his hard work and your willingness to work with me around the gutters and windows. My thanks for a job well done and your customer service. I appreciate both.”
   - Maggie, Middletown, MD
“Jennifer, I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the window cleaning of my new home. Your staff was courteous and professional. They did a wonderful job. I would definitely recommend your company to others. Thank you.”
   - Kelly G., Monrovia, MD
“Dear Jen, I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful job your company did this week cleaning the windows at our home. I don't think the windows looked this good when they were brand new! I can't wait to have them done again in the spring. Thanks again for a terrific job!”
   - Christine S., Myersville, MD
“Jenny, I just wanted to tell you how happy I am with your crew, They were professional guys that did an amazing job on my windows. My house looks beautiful. Thank you for your great and speedy service. Please be assured that I will recommend your services to all my friends.Thank you for a job well done. Please tell your crew that they are amazing. They were great and they worked great as a team. Professionalism goes a long way.”
   - Iwona G., Germantown, MD

Commercial Customer Testimonials

“Always does a great job. Very dependable.”
   - Debbie L.
“Absolutely great! They do a wonderful job.”
   - Debbie L.
“Ian was awesome. I hope he gets a promotion soon. Top notch guy! Windows are sparkling.”
   - M.P.
“They did a good job.”
   - Dora S.
“Both of the gentlemen were friendly and personable. They were very prompt in their arrival and thorough in their service. We were very satisfied with the job they did.”
   - Doris G.
“Service is always reliable. friendly, and thorough.”
   - David G.
“Ian was great! Polite, courteous, and did a great job.”
   - Carolyn S.
“Mike, Just wanted to drop you a note to express my amazement at the first window job your company performed just today. Impressed with the phone call acknowledging an approx. arrival of the window cleaner. Jamie was the employee performing the job, you could see the pride in his eyes as he followed through. Very serious look about him, very intent in what he was doing. Man of a few words. Told him I could see the training he obviously went through - it showed. Mentioned he had excellent training he could probably go teach my ex window cleaner a thing or two! Thank you for providing what you sold to me - Excellent Service!”
   - Michael L., Hagerstown, MD
“Thanks for the window cleaning...I can now see Patrick Street without the "fog" on my windows, GREAT JOB!”
   - Bruce H., Frederick, MD
“Hi Jen - I just wanted to let you know Mike did a great job today. He was very professional, manipulating around the patients. GREAT JOB!”
   - Melissa H., Frederick MD
“I wanted to take a moment to let you know that we are very pleased with the work performed out here last week by your cleaner cleaning up our storefront. Your cleaner was nice, professional, thorough, and a pleasure to have in the store while other customers were going in and out while he was working. He took all of the curtains down instead of cleaning around them. Please send him out whenever he is available to our place when our scheduled cleaning is ready to be done.”
   - Andrew S., Frederick, MD
“Good morning Jennifer, I would like to say that the guys did an awesome job on our windows! I really appreciate you working with us in to reach our deadline on such a late notice! Thanks again!”
   - Melissa S., Frederick, MD