Owner: Ken Jones

Serving: Fontana, San Bernardino, Rialto, Rancho Cucamonga, Nealeys Corner, Ontario, Bloomington, Mira Loma, Jurupa Valley

We're located at:

PO Box GE Unit D, Beaumont CA 92223

Residential Customer Testimonials

“Great job - good price - will use them again - would recommend them for sure - 5 stars.”
   - Yvette G.
“I was killing myself for all the time it took me in checking out all the yelp window cleaners for this area. I do not know if it was just luck or if I was being rewarded for my due diligence in selecting Fish Window Cleaning out of Corona. I live in Chino Hills so I was expecting a higher price, but I got the lowest price and by far the best service ever. The best way to explain how please I was is to let you know that I tipped tipped the two guys who actually did the job. I normally would not tip in this type of situation, but it was so pleased that I did. Beside being good, they were quick, organized and very polite. Tom the Franchise Owner was very easy to work with as well. He gave me an estimate on the phone based on the number of windows on the first and second floors. His estimate was his final charge and it included cleaning the screens and window tracks. I normally do not write reviews, but I am making an exception in this case because I was so pleased.”
   - Paul G., - Chino Hills, CA
“I recently contacted Fish Window Cleaning to clean our windows prior to placing our house up for sale. Tom, the owner, was very quick at getting back to me with a fee quote and set up an appointment that fit my schedule. The guys just came and cleaned my windows today and did a FANTASTIC job. They we very professional and courteous and their quality of work was outstanding. I have never seen light come into my house like it does now! My baby was sleeping in the nursery and they took extreme care while they were working in that room to not wake her up...and she stayed asleep the whole time. I would definitely recommend this company to anyone needing a quality job done. They cleaned the inside, outside, tracks, and screens in a very timely manner and for a VERY fair price!”
   - Elizabeth E. - Corona, CA
“Tom and his crew went above and beyond in their window cleaning service at our home. I highly recommend them to anyone needing an excellent job if window cleaning.”
   - Jim C. - Norco, CA
“My windows sparkle! After numerous attempts to find a good window cleaning company, I finally found a company that knows how to do a thorough job of window cleaning (tracks, screens, and all - not just brushing). Extremely polite, efficient, on-time, conscientious, cost-effective, and professional young men. They take the time to do it right! Thank you Tom S., Mitch, and crew for brightening my world.”
   - Linda H. - Chino Hills, CA

Commercial Customer Testimonials

“Fantastic and responsive customer service and reliability.”
   - Chris W.
“You are the best! Keep up the good work!! The Fish Window Cleaning Co. has consistently delivered a professional service. Their technicians do an excellent job of cleaning my windows inside and out, and they are always polite and accommodating. I couldn't be happier with their service.”
   - Katherine H.
“I would highly recommend Fish Window Cleaning to all I come in contact with who would need such service. Always on time and always a good job.”
   - Cliff G.
“Fish Window Cleaning always does an outstanding job on our windows at our corporate offices.”
   - Edward P.
“Tom is always on it!”
   - Joshua H.
“Great Customer Service!”
   - Edward P.
“Great job! Always delivers on their promise. Very professional. Thank you.”
   - Jose C.
“Very happy with the service and yes would recommend to anyone.”
   - Mayuri P.
“Set up service about 4 - 6 months ago for my business and have never had to worry about the appearance of the front of our shop. Our windows always look great.”
   - David B., - Placentia, CA